
2019 Sea-Doo Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Sea-Doo just released their 2019 model line up and the biggest takeaway from this event is going to be the Fish Pro. Not much in a color change for some of the models but we do have some new accessories and tech that are super useful.

But when digging deeper into it, there was a lot of little details that are actually big deals that no one is talking about.

So let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly for the 2019 Sea-Doo watercraft.

Note: For more information on the 2019 Sea-Doo models please be sure to see Sea-Doo’s website. 

The Good

Before I start gushing over how great the new Fish Pro is and all the other obvious things I need to talk about this picture below.

Spark mirrors and Spark Touring Seats

Is that mirrors for a Sea-Doo Spark and a nicer more plushier seat for the Spark too?! Why is no one talking about this??? The two most significant issues with the Spark seem to have been solved, and no one cares.

This is front-page news type stuff here. The best-selling watercraft that re-sparked the industry have the accessories that everyone has been begging for and not one mention of it anywhere.

Had to get that off my chest.

Fish Pro

What is the one thing no one expected but also expected Sea-Doo to make eventually? A fishing-style jet ski. The one thing no one planned for sure was them to hit it out of the park. Now we know why Sea-Doo went after making a bigger and more stable hull for the GTX lineup, it was for the Fish Pro.

The Fish Pro is not an afterthought, it’s not a slap this or that on this current model and call it a fishing style jet ski. All the little details that make up the Fish Pro shows us that someone with experience in the field built it.

GPS fish finder Fish Pro Sea-Doo

Things like the GPS and fish finder comes with it from the factory. This means you don’t have to install and run wires to get this. The side gunnel footrest is just pure genius, the angle, and ability to give you leverage is well thought out.

Let’s not forget the huge, and I say HUGE cooler! With the LinQ system its easy to install and secure, no tools require and no drilling into your jet ski. But the best part of it is that they did not forget the rod holders. While the competition dances with the idea and gives you cup holder replacements to add a fish finder they don’t talk about the most essential part of a fishing jet ski – where you put the fishing rods.

Let me tell you I don’t fish, its not my thing. But looking at this Fish Pro, I’m quite jealous for many reasons. The biggest one being that they went with an 18.5 (70L) gas tank on this thing. It makes perfect sense since you want to be out there for longer when fishing.

The second thing that makes me envious of the Fish Pro is the Garmin GPS. I could care less about the fish finder, but having that mount and colossal GPS come with the unit has me wanting it.

Next up is the extended platform and the giant cooler. The other cooler is nice but its a joke in comparison to this bad boy. Then the extra room with the extension platform would be ideal for wakeboarders to have more room when the cooler is not on it. Just add the stereo with the cooler and extended platform and you have the perfect party jet ski!

Sea-Doo Fish Pro extension platform

The last thing and what makes this a great buy especially for fisherman will be the Rotax 155 Engine. If you ask me, this has got to be the best engine Sea-Doo has ever made. The thing is “bulletproof” and more than powerful enough for the average rider. Plus, no supercharger to worry about or service and its not as fuel hungry as the supercharged models either.

For the price, I was expecting it to cost more. It’s only $2k more than the plain GTX 155. I honestly was expecting it to be well over $16k, at $14,799 this a steal. This is about the starting price for many new fishing boats, but when you’re not fishing on it, you have a jet ski. You could fish on the weekdays and pull the kids on the tube on the weekend!

Spark Stereo

It seems to some that the new BoomBox Stereo you put on the Spark is not a hit for them. I on the other hand like the idea. Sure it’s not the best looking thing but its super practical.

Spark Stereo

It seems to be coming on the Trixx models as an option, and you can install it on any Spark that’s been made. Even the 2014 first generation Sparks will have the ability to install this speaker system.

With the output power of this stereo its a win. No dinky speakers and no need to heavily modify your Spark to get halfway decent sound on the water. You can even take the boombox with you when you dock at the beach. With 24 hours of battery life, this thing is a must have for any Spark owner.


More models are getting the LinQ quick attachments systems, even the Spark and GTI models.


I don’t think color was Sea-Doo strongest point in 2018 and 2019, but the colors for the RXT-X and RXP-X are just amazing!

That red, black and gold are so nice. Its an Ironman theme for sure and I’m loving it!

The RXT-X for sure will be a hot seller in 2019 so make sure to get your deposits in quick.


It looks like Sea-Doo took the GTS out of the lineup. I consider this a good thing. The GTS lacked any reverse and was the same size and pretty much the same ski as the GTI but lacking reverse.

Now it seems to be only GTI 90 or GTI 130 in that category which are far better machines for the general public. The GTS was only good for rental companies but if I ran a jet ski rental I would want the GTI 90. I would be afraid to put people on a jet ski with no brakes or reverse. Good riddance GTS!

More Themed Watercraft In The Future?

With Sea-Doo showing that they love themes like Wake models, Trixx, and now Fish Pro I’m sure we’re going to see more themed style watercraft in the future.

It’s not about who is the fastest anymore, but now who is the most useful.

The Bad

Why no electric trolling motor? The gas engine, especially from a jet ski, will be too much disturbance for fish. An electric drop down trolling motor would have been better than the pseudo trolling mode setting from the engine.

Sea-Doo is now selling handlebar wind deflectors. Not quite sure on this one. Never seen anyone use or ask for this accessory before. Maybe if you ride when its cold these could be useful but other than that I don’t see the point.

The Ugly

No color touchscreen.

No new touchscreen is a double edge sword. Sure it sucks but it might be for the good. Sea-Doo is taking the ergo approach with keeping everything at the handlebars, everything within reach of the thumb so you don’t have to take your hands off the handlebars which could be a safety issue.

While Sea-Doo lacks the cool factor for the gauge, they could be taking an Apple approach to this where comfort and ergonomics are more important and more practical then reaching for a touchscreen. This is painfully true when you’re out on the water bouncing around and reaching for a touchscreen with wet fingers. Have you ever had to use your smartphone’s touchscreen with wet fingers? Touchscreens don’t like to listen to wet fingers.

Besides the touchscreen, the new gauge is ugly. Well… it doesn’t feel like a watercraft gauge at all. That is because its the same gauge they use on their Can-Am Side By Sides. Maverick Sport uses this gauge. It even has the cutouts, that are blacked out, of the turn signals and parking brake. I can just hear it now people asking where their parking brake is because they can see the LCD cutout for it.

There is some good news though. This is the same cutout that is used in the Cam-Am Spyders that have the big and beautiful color screen. The Spyder RT is a good example of this gauge in action. So this could be a placeholder for the future gauge that will be this much nicer colored screen that the Spyder RT has.

What Do You Think?

Let me know down in the comments below about what you think of the new 2019 Sea-Doo Models. Was there anything you wish Sea-Doo did? Is there anything you hate? Anything you’re excited about?

Whatever it is let me know in the comments.



I started working at a power sports dealership in 2007, I worked in parts, service counter, and as a technician before moving to sales in 2013. I created in 2014 to answer common watercraft questions I would get from people. Now managing the site full-time, I continue to provide advice and web tools for my readers about watercraft. I've owned several watercraft, with a Sea-Doo Spark as my current main PWC.

26 thoughts on “2019 Sea-Doo Good, Bad, and the Ugly”

  1. Hi Steve, I’ve been all over your website in the last year or so. I really have learned a lot thanks to all the time and effort you have put into it, thank you.

    I have a more personal nature question now: I have never owned a PWC or a boat, but we now retired to a lakehouse (we are 50 years old). I’m looking for a good quality machine to learn on and enjoy comfortable and fun riding here in the southeast. I found a 2010 GTX Limited iS260 ($8000) and a 2012 RXP-X 260 ($9,000).

    They are both from Sea-Doo authorized dealers. Do you have insight as to which would be better for us and if they appear to be priced fairly? Are either lacking features that we would want to have? I think they both have iBR.



    • For your first jet skis, those two might be too extreme especially the RXP-X. The RXP-X is the racing version and its hull is made for sharp turns that could take a new rider by surprise. The GTX Limited iS is tamer but does have the bigger engine. I would consider the iS but not the RXP-X for a new rider. Something closer to a GTI or non iS GTX would be a better option. They’re also asking too much for the RXP-X, For 2019 I would expect $2k cheaper. The GTX Limited iS is about what I would expect to pay.

  2. Next year i am going to buy the RXT-X 300 but they must have the beautiful yellow glowing colour because i have never seen a more beautful one.

    I do not like the gauge, i do not like it to be analog but i want to have colour.

    If the fish pro had the yellow colour like the RXT-X 300 i had bought that one instead but the colour on the fish pro is so extremly boring and ugly.

    I want to have deep and water temprature on the gauge next year then i be happy but please keep the beautiful yellow RXT-X 300 otherwise i do not buy and then i do not know what i want.
    i want that colour because every time i see it i get happy but if i could choose i would take away the grey on the seat and all the rest that are grey and have it black.
    black and that yellow wow…i am on cloud nine…

  3. I love my fish pro !!!. I live in southern California and love fishing kelp paddy’s for yellowtail and dorado. I really wish sea doo would make a bait tank like the cooler with rod holders. Sardines are the ticket for dorado yellowtail and tuna. I would purchase this linQ ready bait tank in a second.

  4. One more thing about the Fish Pro cooler. The rod holder works great for holding a umbrella mast when anchored out for shade.

  5. Ok I have been jetski fishing for about 10 years now and can easily say that the Fish Pro has absolutely everything a fishermen would like to have on a ski . I purchased one not long ago and love it . The only few thinks I would have done differently are ;
    1. I would have the fish finder on the left side that way one can operate the unit and ride the ski at the same time.
    2. I would have a nav lights , and a dual battery come standard with the ski.
    3. I would run the fish finder direct to the second battery independently that way the unit can be used continuously without going off few seconds after the key is removed ( This is really annoying )
    4. I found a problem with the cooler, it leaks around the black caps on the bottom ( easily fixed with a bit of silicone around it )
    5. As I scuba dive off the ski as well would be nice if there are accessories to attach a dive tank to the LinQ system .
    Overall I would give it 9 out of 10 . Great ski for fishing , touring , or just have fun on the beach .

    • I just bought a Fish Pro too. I love it. One thing that I would change is that the footwells do collect some water and it’s not easy to empty that out. I bought a battery powered siphon from Harbor Freight. It stores easily in the front compartment and when I am at idle I pump the foothills dry. I’m sure this is true of all Sea Doo skis with ST3 hull design. Yamaha I have heard has designed drains into some models. I would think that the debris that collect in the footwell (mostly sand, small stones, and sticks) might end up clogging a tiny drain though. Other than that the Fish Pro is a dream come true!

  6. I do not like the new digital dashboard at all. I much perfer the analog guage over this. Something about a regular analog speedometer and rpm guage turns me on more than that ugly digital.
    I think they should have focused more on mounts for cameras and gps than that ugly guage.

  7. In my opinion colours are ok. Especially GTRX. The FishPro is classic, simply and pure. I like LinQ system and handlebar wind deflectors – can I have it in older ski (2016 GTI SE)? And another questions: has GTI 130 (standard, not SE) a Polytec hull? And, is any chance on navigation lights?

  8. I have to say that I am personally disappointed in this year’s line up.

    I will give them props for the FishPro model. If I cared about fishing, I would consider it. But, I am not. The one thing that I don’t like about it is the colour scheme.

    The new colour scheme for the RXT is amazing!

    I have been a big fan of the GTX series and had hoped to be purchasing a new LTD model in the Spring. I can’t bring myself to purchase the Equestrian Brown models. If I am going to spend that kind of money, I want something that I am excited to see sitting at my dock. I guess I am limited to the blue GTX 250 (which does look pretty good). OR, a ne Yamaha FX Cruiser.

    It just seems that SeaDoo put all their eggs in the basket of the FishPro model. Other than a bigger 7″ LCD, everything else seems like an after thought.

    • I agree, Al…
      – FishPro color scheme is ugly;
      – GTX Limited color is boring. Actually, I would also prefer it in blue… or more “colorful”.

      As of new LCD… well, I think it’s better than previous digital/analog combination but is not deal maker/breaker, at least for me. Something “nice to have”, but not more…

  9. Well…
    1. Personally, I think that color scheme of that Fish Pro is ugly (green? sic!), but I like the concept;
    2. Couldn’t care less about color screen on Jet Ski… in my experience, monochrome one is easier to read in bright sun and red backlight is much easier on eyes… that’s why all airplane cockpits have that red backlight;
    3. I really like the GTX Limited idea, but, again, color is boring;
    4. Out of all 2019 models, Wake Pro is my favorite: main color is cool, red accents are really cool, nice features included in base… 230hp engine works on 87 octane (even in NYC 91 is not always available in marinas, upstate it’s mostly 87 or 89 in some cases)

  10. Oh yes one more thing: I friggin’ LOVE the Ironman themed RXT-X!!

    And I am saying this from a fisherman’s standpoint… I would almost skip the entire FishPro for the RXT-X!

  11. The new features are great in my opinion. Seadoo is clearly the innovator of all three. The LinQ system is superb. I was going to place my own LinQ system in my garage and purchased a Cam-Am LinQ rack. But with the LinQ base install kit this is a superb solution. This idea was just… right there. I wonder why Seadoo did not introduce this sooner.

    From a fisherman’s standpoint. The FishPro is awesome. The adaptation to the market by developing and being a pioneer in this market segment is well thought out. I mentioned this in your Predictions blog in a comment why Seadoo does not try to enter this market by introducing cleats and rod holders … but I never suspected an entire ski geared towards fishing!

    The range is a suspected 200km with the 70L tank and the 155. Strong in every aspect. Love the fish finder, the gunwale, the extended deck, and of course the cooler with removable rod holders.

    The color is off. I dislike the green. It’s dull. The orange luckily stands out. They could have brown/greyed it like the GTX limited. Would I buy one? Maybe. In my opinion too steep because it is well in the boating range.

    Serious fishermen have a boat as primary vehicle and a PWC for secondary fishing trips when you want to go solo fishing a quick Sunday. I think they should design a cheaper setup around $9.500 so most boat owners will look into purchasing a second “quick fish” watercraft. Like the Wake 155 and the Wake Pro 230. Pherhaps a fishing themed Spark @ $8.999? Spark Polytec and simplicity and a larger tank can certainly be utilized for this activity!

    At $15.000 almost equaling the RXT-X and the price of a fishing boat, I doubt it would be my first choice.

  12. I don’t fish. Really really want a Sea-Doo. Will be buying a GTX300 Limited probably. Was gonna grab this one in the summer. Now I’m gonna wait until Sept 2019.

  13. I have never owned a PWC before and after researching I choose the SE 90. Now I see the SE 90 is not available for 2019. How much more fuel roughly would the SE 130 burn at cruising speed? My second choice was the 3up Spark fully loaded which was slightly cheaper than the SE 90. We would ride with 2 adults on board a lot of the time. I’m not really into jumping / spinning etc, but the Sparks lightweight and economy is a huge draw. My other concern with the Spark is we ride on a very large lake which can catch you off guard when the wind / chop picks up out of nowhere.

    • You would like the GTI SE 130 more than a Spark. The fuel consumption is not that much more and the ride is night and day better on the GTI. They do make the Non-SE model GTI with the 90HP engine in it if you really want that engine. Me personally I would spring for the GTI SE 130 if you can especially if plan on riding 2 people.

    • I would not recommend the Spark if you are riding 2 persons most of the time. I own a Spark 3UP. Much more stability than the 2UP. But still the Spark is at its best if you are solo most of the time. Not that it rides bad with 2 persons, but the space is limited for 2 persons riding most of the time.

      It will also jump a lot, hence its playfulness and the way it is designed. Get the GTI SE 130 or better yet the GTI SE 155. I think at some point with the 130 you will outgrow it’s speed wanting a larger engine.

      Perfect for 2 persons, tons of storage for your long days on the water. Greater bouyancy, more responsive engine and with the new LinQ system you will also be able to carry extra fuel or a small cooler.

      Regarding the fuel consumption. The Spark’s economy is great, but still it has a small tank. The 155 has a larger engine, so the power plant doesn’t have to work peak all the time like in case of the Spark. You also get a larger tank, and almost the same range depending on your driving style.


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